• Headhunter for PLM and Industry 4.0 Professionals

    PLM Headhunter

PLM & Industry 4.0 Recruitment

What we do

We specialize in cross-industry headhunting of and active sourcing for technical experts and management within PLM (Product Lifecycle Management), SCM (Supply Chain Management) and IoT/I4.0 (Internet of Things / Industry 4.0) disciplines.

Over the years we have built up a trusted extensive network of  PLM professionals (+3.000) e.g. especially using the digital social network platforms and conduct at regular intervals in-depth discussions with candidates and customers.

Why „PLM Headhunting“

We ourselves have a long history in the PLM business consulting space and know from our very own experience how difficult it is to fill PLM and Industry 4.0 positions. It is a candidate market. Employers are competing for the best candidates. Candidates now have their fill of choices. The candidate pool for any given position is often sub-optimal to say the least. On the other hand, it is not easy for specialists and managers to plan their next steps in their careers. Here we gladly make ourselves available as welcomed sparring partner.
With our PLM Recruitment and PLM network, we want to make a contribution to aligning companies and candidates in technical skillsets, roadmaps as well as Industry 4.0 strategies.

Leading in front

Front-runner. We win the race for top candidates.

Convincing service

Preparation. Discipline. Tanacity. Top-performance.

Heart & Soul

Adrenaline. Passion. We are hooked on our PLM.

Aks for your candidate profile today?

From PLM job to Industry 4.0 jobs

If we talk about PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) today, we of course need to discuss the influence of IoT technologies on the value chain. Digitalization offers unprecedented opportunities, whether it be the digitization of products, production or the entire logistics and purchasing chain as well as further downstream customer service. And of course, always under the premise of competitiveness and differentiation, cost control and optimization as well as “throughput times”. True industry insiders whisper no longer about value chains, but value-added networks. The networked digital world (Internet of Things) will ultimately be the result of mainstreaming IoT innovations. The world after the Industry 4.0 evolution.

Smart like Industry 4.0, is the other key word of the hour. Product development evolves into smart engineering, the digital factory becomes smart production, customer service suddenly is smart and the supply chain will soon evolve into smart supply chain. Perhaps the PLM Professional will become synonymous with Smart Professional. All joking aside, we firmly believe in the role of PLM Professionals as Industry 4.0 Professionals. They are at the forefront of making the Industry 4.0 evolution more tangible to their companies, be it the comprehension of opportunities and the setting of its foundation or implementing know-how at the process, system and data integration levels.

  • Symbiosis

    Passionate about people. Love PLM.

  • Experience

    15 years PLM consulting, 5 years PLM Recruitment

  • Reach

    PLM network on XING and Linkedin

  • Guarantee

    We never give up. We always fill.